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It is implicit that sustainability and environmentally considerate infrastructures will be the foundation for the future of society. Onecap promotes infrastructure development with municipal and corporate organisations and private investors using state of the art processes, materials and equipment. Promoting collaborative partnerships, innovation and efficiency from inception to completion is key to this purpose. Investment objectives are to provide long term sustainable cash flow from responsible and justifiable development. Recent areas of interest include municipal services, renewable energy and information technology. ​


Winnipeg, Canada

MTS was seeking increased connectivity and storage facilities in response to increasing commercial demands. Onecap identified the opportunity and assisted MTS in the development of its business plan, site selection, design and turnkey services solution which was ultimately approved at Board level. In addition, Onecap managed the construction, financial and delivery aspects of the project realizing completion on schedule and within budget, allowing a seamless transition to occupation.

The result was 65,000 sq ft state of the art Tier 3 data centre with 25,000 square feet of white space, with 100% preleased status upon Handover. Construction began in mid 2014 and was completed on schedule by mid 2015.

The financing was arranged by Onecap through a combination of Debt with Desjardins and shared Equity Investment with Slate Office REIT.

MTS Data Center

Winnipeg, Canada

MTS was seeking increased connectivity and storage facilities in response to increasing commercial demands. Onecap identified the opportunity and assisted MTS in the development of its business plan, site selection, design and turnkey services solution which was ultimately approved at Board level. In addition, Onecap managed the construction, financial and delivery aspects of the project realizing completion on schedule and within budget, allowing a seamless transition to occupation.


The result was 65,000 sq ft state of the art Tier 3 data centre with 25,000 square feet of white space, with 100% preleased status upon Handover. Construction began in mid 2014 and was completed on schedule by mid 2015.


The financing was arranged by Onecap through a combination of Debt with Desjardins and shared Equity Investment with Slate Office REIT.

Solar Power #1

Medecine Hat, Southern Alberta

Energy Infrastructure Project. 40MW Utility Scale Solar Power Generation.


OneCap undertook due diligence: appraisal, financial and technical related to stage 3 final study and AUC (Alberta Utility Commission) application for a behind the fence interconnection application of the project with Fortis Utilities and provided private equity to acquire a position in the venture that was subsequently re-sold.



Solar Power #2

Calgary, Eastern Alberta

Energy Infrastructure Project. 37MW Utility Scale Solar Power Generation.


Developers at Stage 2 of the AESO interconnection process are seeking solutions.  OneCap is assisting with funding on a merchant bases to complete the build and operate the project. Adopting a unique financing model in conjunction with partners in the investment energy field.

OneCap Partners

1617 Sherbrooke West, Montreal, Qc. H3H 1E2

© OneCap Partners Corporations

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